1 definition by KeenanCarpwnedYou

Another word for pwned but better. Basically when someone gets humiliated you declare them carpwnt or carpwned. pernounced car-poh-nd or car-paw-nd

The History:
My friend and i were talking about how Steve Erwin got stabbed by a sting ray and i tried to to "steve erwin got harpooned." but instead i mis-styped and wrote "Steve Erwin got carpooned" and it soon evolved to carponed--> carpwned.

SO YES. This is a movement. Use this word ALL THE TIME in any situation you can. In sports, in video games, in situations when people mess up.

Carpwned. Its a way of life.

Word Created by Keenan's mistyping and Chris' evolvation of the word.
Your friend wants a cookie so you toss it at him.
He drops it.

by KeenanCarpwnedYou February 17, 2007
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