2 definitions by KayKayDungan

A man, with the knowledge and skill to not only be good in bed but satisfy , respect, and completely dickmatize his woman. The dicksman, is not a selfish, lover, hes not prudish, and anything and sexual is never shameful but embraced . The dicksman can bring out the inner most kinky sexual nature of even the most prudest person, and make her feel classy, never shameful of her desires, . Very few are able to fall under this category. A dicksman can also calm even the most highest of anxieties, and flares of hormones,. and will use this skill to simply but his partner to sleep if needed
Why would i need to cheat on my husband , he is a dicksman
by KayKayDungan December 21, 2016
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WHEN you have had a man sex you so good that you feel hypnotized from the dick itself, as you feel drunk, and dizzy . This feeling is only Aquired by a true dicksman
by KayKayDungan December 21, 2016
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