4 definitions by Kay Zee

Azrai is a masculine name commonly used for males. The person with this name is someone who is very open to others but may be introverted once surrounded by new people. Those who has the name are tend to be quite good looking and may have some fans surrounding them. Personality-wise, they may be timid and shy but very playful and acts rather childish. Overall, an Azrai is a good companion and should be kept around at all times.
"I hope Azrai likes me back, he's so cute"
by Kay Zee December 28, 2017
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More commonly spelled as Khalilah or Khalifa. It is a feminine arabic name that is commonly used for females (a more masculine version would be 'Khalil'). It has arabic origins that means 'best friend' , 'darling', 'dearly beloved', 'sweetheart', and 'loyal'. Khalilas tend to be wild and rough but could also be veru conservative at other. Those with those make very good partners in workforce, bussiness, relationships, and financial-wise. Very easy to befriend yet is also very easy to sulk so becareful with your words. They are easily swooned (except if they're aces or aros) and would be very loyal and true. As a friend, they are very active in engaging activites but could also be very introverted. Overall, Khalilas are known to achive far in life in their careers and life which would make them a very good person to surround yourself with.
"I'm envious of her, look at Khalila go!"
"Despite everything that Khalila had been through, she still remained loyal to him,"
"Need myself a Khalila!"
by Kay Zee December 28, 2017
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The name Alysha has roots in German, English, and Arabis. In old German the name means 'Noble' and 'Exalted'. In English it means 'Noble' while in Arabic it means 'Protected by God'. The person associated with this name is known to be bubbly and very strict. He or she or Ze could be easily manipulated into thinking a certain way if what they thought of at first was proven wrong or false. Alyshas could easily get their feelings hurt and would sulk for a long period of time or if they don't, they would hold an everlasting grudge onto that person until conflict is ressolve with a help of a third person. They are very confident and helpful at certain times. Very good leaders and counselors makes them efficient in doing group activities. They are described as fair and majestic beings with qualities upon them that are hard to come across.
"That person could be Alysha,"
"I heard that that's Alysha, no wonder why they're so good at it!"
by Kay Zee December 28, 2017
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A feminine name that derives from the name of the Azalea flower. Females with this name tends to be shy and timid around people but will show their true colours once it is the right tumd. The tends to have an eye for creativity and a passion in what they believe in. Their personality differs in different people with different principalities , but they remain true to who they are. Males with this name is often rare but is true. They act with a strong front by hides a soft being inside. From all perspective of the people he may be surround himself with, he is considered as a man who may be overconfident in himself, but is also easily underwhelmed. From a gender neutral perspective, it means someone who is very true to themselves but lack the courage needed to show. People with these names often act wearily in their actions for they are afraud of what their outcome may be. Their optimism often overthrows their negativity but will not be afraid to stand up for whats right. People with these names are introverted though some may be ambiverted. They have a high sense of creativity and also a high sense of friendliness once surrrounded by the right friends. Once hurt, the person should be consoled immeadietly to deter from further complications. An Azzalia is a good friend, and should always be kept.
"She's such an Azzalia! Look at all those paintings!"
"He's being too much of him, of Azzalia, he needs more confidence to fight tge patriarchy in this world,"
"Ze is such an Azzalia, a good friend, ya'll should befriend zem,"
by Kay Zee December 28, 2017
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