1 definition by Kat935

A city that really feels like a town full of business people during the day and college kids at night. We're loyal to our teams and will kick your ass or yell at you if you don't love them too. We'll do this either sober or drunken. Most times it's better drunken though. Basically it's really funny to us.
Ok and for another thing: Bostonian's don't say "fookin". That's just stupid. We say things like ya fucken retahded. Let's go to the paahki (a store with alcohol and cigarettes and stuff) instead. We also say things like Whasmattayou? Or what's the matter with you for an outsider. Also, respect that we say the bubblah for water foutain. My college roomate thought that was hillarious. And really, it's not so much funny, as it is just plain right.

Another thing: You only call it Beantown if you're not from there, and if you're getting a ride on a duck boat, don't quack at us. It's wicked anoying. Would you want to be quacked at every day? I don't think so. It's cold here due to the fact that Boston is a freaking wind tunnel so we're already pissed off. So, instead of quacking at us please just buy us one. It would really make the whole situation so much better. Thanks
by Kat935 January 7, 2006
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