3 definitions by Karma38

happily apathetic; happy to have a job, responsive and dependable, but apathetic about anything relating thereto.
I am hapathetic to go to work today, my ball-less bosses do not care what I do or say
by Karma38 March 13, 2015
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Xalaxing= taking Xanax in order to totally relax; really relaxing because of taking Xanax.
"What you are doing this afternoon?"
"Dude, I'm Xalaxing today, I need it after the week I've had!"
"sounds good!"
by Karma38 July 13, 2014
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Happily apathetic, its when you are are at work and you are unemotional about the decisions your ball-less bosses are making but happy to have job.
I a lot of hapathy to go around.
by Karma38 March 13, 2015
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