4 definitions by Karge y Marge

A store that restaurant that sells tacos in Asheville, North Carolina. Can also be a club to show support for the restaurant and can be used as a “Taco Billyver”.
Can we go to Taco Billy’s today? There salsa is soooo good.
by Karge y Marge October 4, 2018
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Can be used it texting when you are confused or very upset.
“Ufhebfjefjeagf! BEN JUST CHEATED ON ME?!” Sent Sarah.
by Karge y Marge January 16, 2019
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Taco Billy Farting (your fart smells bad)
Ewww! Why did you have to 🌮🐐💨 right here?!
by Karge y Marge February 28, 2018
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