3 definitions by Kaleena the girl with purple h

(Noun)1. A homeless person or person who lives outside/outdoors or in a tent or other self made shelter 2. A person belonging to a larger group of people that reside in atypical areas and in an unorthodox way as opposed to average members of society in typical dwelling space (Insiders ) and have similar viewpoints on spiritual/philosophical matters and have adopted a new stance on life in general 3. A gypsy crossed with a camping enthusiasts that resides in Neverland and enjoys Urban exploration within a new culture whether by choice, circumstance or both
The outsider patiently stood in the long line at Starbucks anxiously jiggling the change for his morning coffee and ... if luck and the barista were on his side...the key to the bathroom; this was definitely his most hated part of his daily morning ritual but a real bathroom was hands down the preferred choice over the alley any day.
by Kaleena the girl with purple h September 3, 2019
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Noun 1. Place where you reside when you are homeless or an outsider 2. Metaphorically, the area or land you live in when homeless and surrounded by other lost boys regardless of geographical location
So, this was it....the foreclosure was final and the doors were boarded shut...with a debilitating fear clenching his heart and throat, Charlie stumbled onto the streets of neverland and he knew nothing would ever be the same again
by Kaleena the girl with purple h September 3, 2019
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Noun 1. An outsider or homeless person 2 a person who resides in an atypical space or location usually outside but not in a typical house or dwelling space 3. A playful term for person (statistically majority are male) belonging to a culture that is growing exponetionally and that has overcome many obstacles and learned a whole new way of life while living outside or on the streets of downtown neverland
Kaleena had decided that being homeless was comparable to living in neverland...it was a place full of Lost boys who spent their days building forts and searching for burried treasure while playing with pixie dust , never grewing up but it seemed at some point they'd forget about home and their memories would fade until, well, they could never get home again; if this was the case, then kaleena decided she'd be a Wendy in a sea of lost boys and would simply visit neverland a short while until she could gain housing.
by Kaleena the girl with purple h September 3, 2019
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