1 definition by Kalbibnye

A small Indiana town about an hour south of Indianapolis. Known for their great accomplishment of highest teenage pregnancy rate in the midwest. Hometown to 3 astronauts. Most people here are trying to keep up with the Jones', and most fail. All people live out of their means, with 2 of every 3 families driving a gas guzzling SUV that costs more than their home. Everyone claims to know basketball legend Damon Bailey, and are waiting for the day that Bob Knight returns to IU. The teenagers here find a good time in toilet papering half the town, and the cops out number the residents 5 to 1. The high school was originally made to be a prison, but has been 'transformed' to accommodate 1500+ students of which 1 in 3 will coincidentally end up in the local jail or pregnant.
"what are you doing tonight?"

"i don't know, bedford sucks. what are you doing?"

"there's nothing to do. let's just do it."


by Kalbibnye August 15, 2008
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