3 definitions by KaiBoi_Senpai

To put it simply, if you know a Guenevere you are one of the lucky few. An uncommon name, Gueneveres tend to be the type to have a very vibrant and loving personality, and the one to hold everyone together. They have a tendency to put everyone else's happiness above their own, and to strive to make every day the brightest and best it can be. Very productive people, they know what they want in a relationship and aren't one to ignore signs, no matter how small, as well as knowing what they want in life. They never stop working towards their goals, no matter how large, and almost always achieve them, as they are very driven and hard-working committed people. Gueneveres are also very perceptive people. They will pick up on the smallest things and go to extreme lengths for their family, friends, and lovers. They can be very funny and outgoing, but if you really get to know one it will take a while for them to fully open up to you and show you their sensitive and vulnerable side. Usually in a large group of friends, they will only open up for a select few. Once they open up to you, however, you will know that to you you've got a friend/lover for life. Gueneveres are very valuable people to have in your life, so if you manage to find one... never let them go.
Kai: "Have you met Guenevere yet?"

Willow: "Yeah! She's amazing, I'm so glad I know her!"
by KaiBoi_Senpai November 16, 2020
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A person (although you may doubt that they're actually human at times), hired and paid to torture young children between the ages of 7-18, usually using creative and meaningless methods you will forget instantaneously after the torture session and never have to use again in your life. This will occur in a special section of Hell labeled "School", where you will also be subjected to various other attempts to steal your mental stability; although math class is most certainly the one you have to be most wary of.
Administration: "What methods of torture do you have planned for today, Math Teacher Mr/Ms. *Insert evil sounding name here*?
Math Teacher Mr/Ms. *Insert same evil sounding name used above here*: "I was thinking of Pre-Calc and maybe a sprinkle of algebra and geometry to really get them crying"
Administration: "Sounds like a fantastic idea! Remember though, make sure to assign more homework to them than you actually have to just to make sure that their stress is at an all time high! We wouldn't want to get one-upped by the psychiatric ward like we did last time."
by KaiBoi_Senpai November 16, 2020
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Willows are some of the most amazing people to have in your life. Fiery, passionate, and great friends, Willows will always be there for you in a pinch. They have a tendency to be reliable people, and make amazing lovers as they will go any distance for the people they care about. Willows naturally have an amazing sense of fashion, and plan the best dates you will ever fucking go on, literally no joke. Don't be surprised if they're LGBTQIA+.

Although Willows may radiate confidence, they are actually very sensitive people and can most certainly be smol beans at times. They can have very low self esteem, which they will make up for with wearing flashy and stunning clothes that make everyone, regardless of gender, stare in awe. As well as having a sensitive side, they always have a dark side. Always. If you have a Willow who doesn't have a dark side, they're an impostor. Sus as fuck. Willows will do almost anything for their friends, family (although they do usually have daddy issues), and lovers. I definitely wouldn't even put murder past them to be honest. Whenever they're not being a smol bean they're usually plotting the over-throw of the world, so be prepared to help them with that. And if your knives go missing... well be prepared to say goodbye to that abusive person from your past.

Overall, you're god damned lucky if you have a Willow in your life. Never let them go or you'll regret it, and that's a fact.
Willow: "Hey Kai, can you help me put away all of the soft blankets and the 14 empty ice-cream cartons on the floor away? I'm late for my gay cult meeting discussing the overthrow of Mars because I had to watch one more episode of Pushing Daisies because the last one ended on a cliff hanger. Thanks!"
Kai"..." *Starts cleaning up begrudgingly*
by KaiBoi_Senpai November 16, 2020
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