2 definitions by Kagerou

The only Band on this planet that is yet to release a bad song (yes i like fitter happier)...
The Bends, Paranoid Android, Let Down, Sulk, Idioteque, Motion Picture Soundtrack, Knives out, The Trickster, Pop Is Dead, Creep, Karma Police, Just, You,.....i could go on
by Kagerou March 1, 2005
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The worst type of music alive today, popular with mostly unintelligent townies (see definition), most commonly assosiated with hip-hop. Although in the past RnB didn't have the reputation it has today.
"man that song is NANG"


"that song innit, here 'ave a listen"

*places earphone on ear*

"this is music?"
by Kagerou March 1, 2005
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