2 definitions by Kašas

Russian slang term used in the same way is "bro" is used by English-speakers. Could be a literal brother but more often refers to a friend. This phrase is also used by Lithuanians and Polish sometimes (usually just youth though).
Person 1- Ey, bratka, whats going on?

Person 2- Na, nothing, bratka. You?
by Kašas December 17, 2009
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(Pronounced- "Too-nin-gah")

Lithuanian phrase referring to an addition or improvement to a car. To "padaryti tuninga" (do a tuninga) is to pimp or soup up your car.
Person 1- Damn, bratka, your car's running faster than ever and your stereo sounds louder.

Person 2- Jo, I did a tuninga- put in a new engine and some subs.
by Kašas December 17, 2009
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