3 definitions by KLC1995

A small, not very well-known city 10 minutes away from Dartmouth and 5 hours away from Sydney. Can be fun at times but there are no sidewalks and people dump trash in the ditch.
I currently live in the dumpy little city of Mineville Nova Scotia.
by KLC1995 November 15, 2011
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A former deviantART user named Kel from Canada who was brutally cyberbullied and wrongly accused of pedophilia, even though she is asexual and dislikes children. A troll named Mocha also verbally attacked Kel’s mother and boyfriend on Encyclopedia Dramatica, and made fun of her disabilities. Kel had no choice but to delete several of her social media accounts due to how badly she was cyberbullied.
Jarleynygmobblepot is not a pedophile and does not deserve to be harassed.
by KLC1995 April 19, 2019
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