1 definition by Just a weeb ><

Ruchi, she is the perfect girl you wanna be friend with.....she's cute but sassy so be careful.

She's quite popular among everyone but she's kinda shy too in front on people but if she likes you, you'll never know she is kinda shy and if she's not shy in front of you than bruh you're blessed.

Talking about humour than Ruchi is the funniest being in the world haha and she's quite emotional and caring too....if you ever feel sad or depressed just go near Ruchi your sadness will disappear in a blink, it might not disappear completely but will go away for the time you talk with her(^∇^)ノ♪

And ya Ruchi is that girl with whom you'll find you both common interest like sleeping, watching Anime, reading webtoons and stuff hahaha

Well if you have a friend name Ruchi, cherish her so that you don't lose her♡
Guy 1: Damn that girl looks fun to hang around with! What's her name?
Guy 2: Oh her name's Ruchi and she totally is fun
by Just a weeb >< November 24, 2021
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