4 definitions by Junkboyy

Defecation or feces that resembles a bowl of porridge. Soupy, yet thick consistency, in a very dark brown color.
John just made Goldilocks her lunch in the toilet. He's serving up a huge bowl of Butt Porridge.
by Junkboyy December 18, 2008
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An unsettling of your stomach that can be caused by several different things. A night of drinking, a spicy meal, or any type of dairy product. This may also cause your stomach to boil, brew, or induce violent and explosive bowel movements and diarrhea.
I just polished off a pizza and a 12 pack of Old Milwaukee's Best Light. I guarantee that at about 5am tonight I'm going to have serious GPB. Yeah, that's Gastric Pummeled Belly.
by Junkboyy January 15, 2009
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To speak a mixture of portuguese and english at the same time. Intermingling of words in a sentence from both languages that only someone who speaks both languages, or has recently begun to learn the other, would understand.
My in-laws are from Brazil, and I know they're saying something bad about me when they spout off in portuglish.
by Junkboyy January 6, 2009
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To drink beers quickly or with the intention of getting very drunk. To make haste in the disposal of beers by ingesting them.
I can't wait to start clipping skinnies after work today.
by Junkboyy December 24, 2008
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