3 definitions by Juliya

Miscellanious Television. Used to show half-assed music videos. Now it just shows crap and the lives of millionaire artist sellouts.
A conformists paradise.
what the fuck does "real world" have to do with music?!
by Juliya April 12, 2004
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The number that comes after:
Shwam. Doo. Two and heif. Scheven. Schfourteenteen. Schwenty one. Twenty seven heif. Twenty seven, thirty seven!
(what you say???)
I know, how to count, all the way the SCHFIFTY FIVE.
by Juliya April 15, 2004
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Slang for a vietnamese person who swims or is in the sea.
While I was fishing I saw a seagook.
by Juliya March 6, 2005
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