2 definitions by Juicy Couture.

An amazing girl usually blonde or brunette
that is different from most girls. She has
her own opinions and most girls around her
are jealous because of her beauty and creativity.
The guys fall for her instantly and want to
be with her. Lux is easily spotted anywhere
and people recognize her by her long,
gorgeous hair. Anyone would love to be around
a Lux because she has an adorable contagious
laugh and she is always in a good mood.
Anytime she's near, you'll be forced to
Guy 1- "Did you just hear that adorable laugh?"
Guy 2- "Yeah, that was Lux."
by Juicy Couture. March 2, 2009
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A gorgeous girl that is just herself all the time. Doesn't try to impress anyone, and hates when people try to impress her. Not a snob & not a jealous person. Ever. Mess with her, you'll have other people to deal with. She's the type of person people can trust and be very close to.
Joe- "Who's the person you said you can trust?"
Jon- "Oh, Samantha."
by Juicy Couture. March 2, 2009
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