1 definition by Juggah8r666

The most vile, disgusting type of shit one can take. Often experienced after eating raw chicken or unrefrigerated Taco Bell leftovers. My be semi-liquid to foamy in consistency, and can range in color from orange-yellow to dark brown. The distinguishing characteristic of a Wicked Shit is the stench which is far more putrid and pervasive than that of a normal dump. The smell is often compared to that of a liquefied corpse, with hints of decomposing plant matter. Oftentimes the scent lingers for days following defecation, and may trigger allergy symptoms or asthma attacks.
I made the mistake of eating my roommate's tacos he left on the table from yesterday so I just took a Wicked Shit. Now I need to get ahold of my parents and let me see if I can stay at their house till the smell clears.
by Juggah8r666 February 25, 2014
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