3 definitions by Juan_Carlito

The full noun version of the Pittsburgh slang word: jag off. A Jagoffian is a jag off, aka an annoying, dumb, or contentious person.
People that drive huge monster trucks with loud exhausts, big wheels, and 10 blinding lights on the front are straight Jagoffians. There should be laws against that.
by Juan_Carlito September 2, 2021
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A person, male or female, who pisses you off or is acting like a prick.
Those fuckin’ turkey dicks are texting and swerving all over the road!
by Juan_Carlito September 2, 2021
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A woman who gets married in Mexico (or another country) where it’s not legally binding in the United States.
She insisted on getting married so he made her a Mexico Wife so she couldn’t later divorce him and take his cash.
by Juan_Carlito May 11, 2021
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