100 definitions by Jt

Fat kid named Daniel whos plays water polo while wearing a tight pair of shorts. Loves to look at porn and is dumb as hell in both english and Web design.
Look at that Pickle, what a looooooser!!!
by Jt February 22, 2005
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Further to earlier explanations, within the British Army, also used in response to an answer to an obvious question. This is a question that you have set the other person up to answer. Can become quite frustrating as you become paranoid answering any question in case it is a Wah!
Steve "Is that a can of beer in your hand Bill?"
Bill "Yeah!"
Steve "Wah!"
Bill "Bugger, been Wah'd again!"
by Jt November 9, 2004
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A rapist Bigfoot. Probably watched 'reelkiddymovs' as a teen.
"That's way too much sass cum!"
by Jt December 27, 2005
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Butt boi is the king of the avengers for the anal retreet that is the backside of James.
Budd boi protects the gay and fucks the str8 in hope to make the world a frilly place with loads off rainbows and skittles
Is it a plain, is it a bird, no! its BUTT BOI
by Jt June 29, 2004
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Wonderfully spontaneous, or Enormously wonderful (according to my ex-girlfriend)
We had a wondermous night together.
by Jt December 20, 2003
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