47 definitions by Jorge

when someone has a very fat neck and it looks as if they have 2 chins
Lift your chin, child! That is a gigantuos gizzard!
by Jorge February 16, 2005
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The term used if a person has a very fat neck which makes it look like they have two over-lapping chins.
Child, lift your head up. You're makin it look like you have an ENORMOUS gizzard.
by Jorge February 15, 2005
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Where you have a lot of chin fat that makes it look like you have a second chin.
Matthew, lift your head up, you're giving yourself a GIGANTIC gizzard. Tard.
by Jorge February 15, 2005
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"oh senor elpirato is ejaculatingo in my rectal passageo"
by Jorge May 23, 2004
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An amount (generally one ejaculation) of male semen.
by Jorge December 16, 2004
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