2 definitions by Jonathia

If you are thinking about going here, don't come.

It is also known as FP. It is an ok school, but there are no girls there. However, you can also fool around.

Detentions are called JUGs. Justice Under God = Jug

You have religion class. It sucks.

We have mass. It also sucks.

However, we have mixers. They can be fun until you go to 2 and then they get boring. And when a cop pulls you away from a girl as happened to a kid in my grade, it sucks.

So FP sucks.
by Jonathia February 14, 2008
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Fairfield County, also known as FC is full of preps, gangsters, ghetto kids, and a bunch of other social groups.

Drinking is quite big in the county, and oxycotton and cocaine are quite big in the area.

An event to look out for is BeachFest which is an event that occurs twice a year, but the biggest one is in the beginning of the summer.

Awesome place.
FC is the place to be.
Fairfield County is the place to be.
by Jonathia February 14, 2008
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