4 definitions by JonQuan

A Foghole is that annoying teenager with a souped up pickup truck who likes to drive with his fog lights on even though their is no fog. It can also be used to refer to that Asshole who leaves their brights on even though people flash them.

The word Foghole is a combination of Fog Light and Asshole into one word
The foghole blinded me for a split-second causing me to crash
by JonQuan January 20, 2018
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An iBad is what Richard Stallman calls the iPad. He calls it an iBad because it runs non-free software. Recently many 4chan users have taken to calling the iPad the iBad
Richard Stallman won't take my gift of an iBad for Christmas
by JonQuan May 9, 2019
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An older term used on 4chans /pol/ to describe people who want smaller government but a forced religion. Also used to describe people who post religious threads on 4chan to start an online flame war

Religiousfags are also people in real life who wear excessive religious items even though they aren't at church. This term can also be used to describe the person that comes up to you just to strike a conversation regarding religion. Religiousfags will often tell a person they are going to hell if they don't believe in their religious views
That religiousfag needs to stop telling people that they're going to hell because they don't believe in Jesus
by JonQuan March 23, 2019
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A term used when Europians have to convert the standard Celcius to Farenheight for Americans because they don't understand Celcius. Popularized by 4chan users
The tempreture is gonna be 25 degrees Celcius, thats 77 degrees Fagenheight for you Americans
by JonQuan January 25, 2019
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