25 definitions by Joka

wordgiven to a crazy bastard that goes off his rocker when u merely touch him. he is in luv wid lionel and will do anything for him.
stop being a fkin yuto!!
by Joka November 17, 2003
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"u is a fack facker, with a fack for a mother facker"
by Joka July 30, 2003
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Japanese currency, Yuto eats it for breakfast.
With my elite skills, I will YEN you up!
by Joka September 4, 2003
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To have an erection, but not aroused. One form of a sensible erection is morning wood.
Quimby. If you were running for mayor, he'd vote for you!
by Joka August 23, 2003
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what you need to be a hack-saw (hacker)
and lo, I was shat upon, and I weeped in the skill of his anus
by Joka August 13, 2003
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