1 definition by Joka's Harley Quinn

A guy that everyone is convinced is an asshole...
and without uttering a word, the moment that he walks into a room he scares everyone into wide-eyed silence...

But little do they know under that scary exterior,

is really the most wonderful man anyone has ever met...
totally awesome in bed...

and kisses like a fairy tale...

When he speaks the sound of his voice casts a spell that just makes you feel like you have to listen ...
one look in his eyes and your in love ....
you are filled with the sudden feeling that you could do anything for him as long as he is by your side ...
But don't you worry all u got to do is meet him one time and you'll never forget him untill the day that u die
Everybody says watch out for that Ross he's an asshole.
by Joka's Harley Quinn April 8, 2022
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