5 definitions by JohnWWells

n. A switchblade-wielding mini-lop rabbit who features prominently in the webcomic Sluggy Freelance. As of 12-7-2003, Bun-bun is reluctantly serving as the Easter Bunny.
"Bun-bun: Time to die, Nerd-Boy!"
by JohnWWells December 7, 2003
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v. To inflict wanton violence on a semi-innocent. (Sluggy fandom)
"He Bun-bunned that telemarketer but GOOD."
by JohnWWells December 7, 2003
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"Aylee: I can eat anything, but eating tofu, that just makes me sad inside."
by JohnWWells December 7, 2003
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n. An expletive so mild that it doesn't count as an expletive. Not recommended for those who don't want to appear affected, or at least a bit namby-pamby.
"Botheration! I just cut my wrist on a jagged shard of glass!"
by JohnWWells December 7, 2003
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n. A cloyingly mock-virtuous person. Suggestive of effeminacy. The adjective form may not technically be slang.
"That namby-pamby Wilbur just gave his lunch money to Billy again."
by JohnWWells December 7, 2003
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