114 definitions by John Doe

the sound my screwdriver makes as it penetrates your eyeball
you gave my girlfriend the num nums now have some of my num nums
by John Doe May 21, 2003
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A word originating from the old D&D games, was used to express excitement when finding treasure, the player would say "Wow loot!" thus over time turning into "w00t" in the videogame world, as a form of satisfaction or victory..
"Wow loot!" -- Originating from D&D days..
by John Doe September 13, 2004
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Crazy kid that gets fucked up all the time. Beats kids asses. And makes girls cum and cum again from his Jack hammer move.
Did you see that kid he is amazing, he is the fucking KID IN BLUE
by John Doe December 14, 2004
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Peter Bantle's mom, by far the hottest mom in the history of the universe! I want to F*CK her up the @$$!
peter's mom is hot! I want to do her so bad! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
by John Doe April 25, 2005
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to kill a large group of canadian ducks with a machete for a hobby
Dude, lets go shlupin this saturday!
by John Doe June 5, 2003
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sys0p is a BibleThumper.
by John Doe November 11, 2003
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