121 definitions by JoeyBomm

Refers to the TV networks running marathons of shows and movies during the covid-19 corona virus pandemic where people were asked to quarantine for two weeks in mid March of 2020.
I'm fix'n to blaze up during this quarantine and watch me this pandemarathon of 12 hrs of Bar Rescue. Then I'm gonna watch a pandemarathon of three Rambo movies in a row!
by JoeyBomm March 29, 2020
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The head of a penis that is red and swollen caused by entering a dirty vagina and/or asshole. Therefore the result is an "angry penis". May develop into physical problems if not treated by a physician.
Guy #1:. Man bro whenever I screws dat hoe down the street I always ends up with a glowplug! Guy #2: You best get your ass down to the free clinic and gets you some pills to clear dat shits up! Guy #1: You gots to know dat shits right!
by JoeyBomm March 15, 2020
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Guy# 1: Holy shit ....did you see the turd left in the toilet from Larry? Guy# 2: Hand me the plunger and a knife. He's got a big mud flapper to drop something like that!
by JoeyBomm May 30, 2020
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This is said by radio personalities and news casters to describe the hardships that we are all enduring throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
The radio guy said that through these extreme times we are all in this together and that we will beat this virus if we just self quarantine.
by JoeyBomm April 29, 2020
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A pregnant woman that is carrying your baby.
Jimmy can't go to the party tonight because he has plans to stay at home with his spawn bag and watch batchlorette on TV.
by JoeyBomm September 25, 2021
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Jimmy won't be going to Larry's party tonight because he's going to be home watching the batchlorette with his spawn bag.
by JoeyBomm October 6, 2021
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A standard of measurement used by guys to judge whether or not they would have sex with a woman. The word refers to a penis entering and plugging a vagina.
Guy #1: Hey man...check out that chick.
Guy #2: She looks corkable to me. I'm going to get her phone number.
by JoeyBomm October 3, 2022
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