1 definition by Joemamabitch

the true meaning of what it is to be a fag who craves attention. These scum sit around, criticizing anyone and everyone who isn't in their circle at starbucks with a laptop sucking dick. They tend to be found in groups and will often look at you in disgust if you so much as make eye contact with them, this will be preceded by whispers, probably whispers of their homosexual tendencies. Most of them suck at playing one particular instrument and form together to make an indie band. Hipsters always love to be out of the main stream, when in fact, they are second in main stream culture, next to the swag fags.
Tage: "I wouldn't even consider us being hipster, we aren't even mainstream".
Nigel: "I just hate the cooperate machine, I won't ever conform".
Tage: "Let's go to starbucks and look at memes."
by Joemamabitch August 10, 2013
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