1 definition by Joe Burgundy

- Olovogy

The practice where one does not judge anyone based on appearance and physical traits but loves instead.

When one practices olovogy they do not allow other's opinions on others effect their view of that particular person.

However, if someones's actions are not proper (rude, mean, etc.) then one whom practices olovogy may decide whether to continue
their relationship with that particular person or judge them acordingly.

Those whom practice olovogy get inspiration from the Catholic faith as well as the Rastafarianism Act. Olovogy is NOT a religion,
but a practice in which one does not judge another human being with no good reasoning. The inspiration olovogy gets from those two
religions is; Not judging ANYONE by there skin color, physical condition, etc. as well as to live life with love in your heart and
mind and to enjoy it before it comes to an end.
When one practices olovogy they do not allow other's opinions on others effect their view of that particular person.
by Joe Burgundy May 28, 2012
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