115 definitions by Jj

1. To talk to a female with the intent of getting her phone number. Usually associated with game
"He needed to be taught how to spit to females.
by Jj March 3, 2005
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used when someone aks you a question but you dont wanna answer and are annoyed in a way.
'who paid for that drink?'
'Santa Clause'
by Jj June 30, 2004
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The Kupe-man who tragically died in a freak gardening accident.

"I'm a wangsta trying to garden."
by Jj May 30, 2003
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A dumb pollack trying to be ghetto!
Yo, look it Larry, what a PRIGGER!
by Jj June 16, 2004
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a really awesome band. pay no attention to lame motherfuckers like "larstait" and "sven" they are just haters. CANNIBAL CORPSE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Jj August 12, 2004
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Reggie Roby was an All-American punter at the University of Iowa and the Miami Dolphins. He was so good in fact, that he often outpunted his coverage. Well there are many ugly, dorky looking guys with girlfriends that are way too hot for them. Therefore, they are outpunting their coverage and should be called Reggie Roby.
Check out Reggie Roby over there with the smoking hot girlfriend
by Jj January 6, 2005
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The far superior version of rugby, generally much faster and involving far more skill that its counterpart rugby League.

A common myth is that Union players kick too much.

Several players have made a switch to union, realising themselves that its the better version.
wow, i've got all round skills, WTF am i doing in League, time to switch.
by Jj May 29, 2004
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