1 definition by Jikookthighs

BTSD (Bangtan Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a disorder you get from being a BTS ARMY.


- Over thinking EVERY music video with fan theories.

- being constantly paranoid over comebacks and release dates.

- KNOWING your ship is real but then you have to remind yourself it's just fanservice........ OR IS IT?!?

- Having a Bias and 6 bias wreckers.

- Trying your best to learn that dance but then looking like a fish out of water.

- Not being able to sleep in fear of the MV being release while you're sleeping.

There's oh so many symptoms....
ARMY: Doctor! I can't help it! BTS have taken over my life! What do I do?!

Doctor (Jin in Dope): This has gotten much worse than I though. There's no doubt about it. You have BTSD.

ARMY: *Jungshook*
by Jikookthighs March 10, 2018
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