2 definitions by Jesuit Willice

The Edge is the most dangerous guitarist of all time. Many fans and ex-fans have reported cases of acute Edgeophobia, wherein the subject is often times afraid to even leave his or her house for fear that The Edge is lingering closeby, wielding an "ax."
by Jesuit Willice April 14, 2006
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The irrational fear that The Edge from U2 is out to kill or "get" you. Many Irish are afflicted with Edgeophobia, however, the global spread of this irrational fear goes beyond any one nation. Rates of Edgeophobia in the US are approaching those of acrophobia, or, "fear of heights."
John: We can't go to the concert tonight.
Bill: Why not?
John: Broseph's got Edgeophobia.
by Jesuit Willice April 14, 2006
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