1 definition by Jester Lucky 13

Resting Mom Face RMF. Similar to Resting Bitch Face, but exaggerated by the sheer over tired zombie like nature of a mother. The years of interrupted sleep, repeatedly asking they boys not to fart at the table, and giving ‘the look’ when we were in public had rapidly increased the severity of my previous RBF diagnosis. I was told that prolonged exposure to being ignored, hearing ones name on repeat, stepping on LEGOs in the dark, and constantly walking into a bathroom where the TP roll has not been replaced can increase your risk of serious Resting Mom Face.

credit: Timothy Joseph
TJ looked at Patti and couldn't help but notice she had Resting Mom Face RMF. No matter what he said all she would do is look back at him with RMF
by Jester Lucky 13 May 14, 2018
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