1 definition by JessiesTheory

When he doesn't insult his girl's body or big behind to distract her from making fun of his small penis.
He doesn't feel the need to talk his girl down for fear someone with a BD will swoop her away form him if she gets too confident.
He is confident enough to talk his girl up and make her feel as massively awesome as his dick.
Her: "Why don't you ever compliment me?"
Him: "Because I don't want your head to swell, or for you to get too confident."
Her, thinking... "I need someone with big dick energy. I would tolerate his small dick so much more if he didn't try to make me feel as small as his penis!"

Her: "I love how you compliment me every day. It makes me feel so sexy!"
Him: "I want you to feel sexy. It makes me want you even more when you realize how gorgeous you are."
Her: "You have Big Dick Energy."
by JessiesTheory February 4, 2020
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