138 definitions by Jersey Kid

The most populated county and most southern county in the state of Florida. Miami-Dade is made up of the city of Miami, Miami's suburbs, and other cities/towns. Miami the city only has around 400,000 people which makes it the 43 largest city in the U.S but its metro area has around 5 million which makes it the 7th largest metro area in the country. Miami-Dade is usually just called Miami because there a lot of areas whith the word Miami in it, (North Miami, South Miami heights, North Miami Beach, West Miami, Miami Lakes, Miami Shores, Miami Beach etc.) Miami-Dade is around 65% Hispanic with a heavy Cuban influence. It is also home to many African Americans and has whites and asians. Miami-Dade is known for its touristy areas like South Beach but it has a lot of ghettos, Opa Locka, South-Miami Heights, Miami Gardens, Liberty City, Florida City, etc. University of Miami is located in Coral Gables despite popular belif that it is located in the city of Miami. Overall Miami-Dade is cool county with beautiful beaches, many spanish speakers, rich areas, and terrible ghettos. Miami-Dade is home to South Beach, University of Miami, Flo Rida, Pitbull, Trina, and many other rappers.
Miami-Dade County is the hottest county
by Jersey Kid June 12, 2008
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Oversized, dark sunglasses. You wear them when you want to get hyphy. This style started in the Yay Area California.
"dudes with the dreadlocks swingin their head
u aint got no stunna shades u should get u a pair yeaa" - Stunna Shades by The Federation ft. E-40
by Jersey Kid January 27, 2008
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A great rapper from Houston, Texas. Nicknamed the Mixtape Messiah. All of his raps are powerful, fierce, and clever. He actually comments on real issues in todays society, in his songs Morning News, and Evening News. He wasn't afriad to say the truth about Hurricane Katrina, George Bush, Corrupt Cops, Whack rappers, Media, bad music, how if blacks become smart they are considered whites, paying taxes, welfare, struggle of daily life, Drugs, Ciggaretts and how people working at Mc Donalds are like slaves. He tells the truth in a fierce, clever way. He is an excellent rapper especially compared to other maninstream rappers.
Chamillionaire speaks the truth in a powerfull, honest, clever way. He's not just another black rapper he is unique.
by Jersey Kid November 22, 2007
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Mi barrio es muy peligroso y muchos cholos viven allí
by Jersey Kid May 3, 2008
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To give homage to where your from, usually with a nickname like Motor City, an area code like 305 or just saying the name like The Bronx.
I represent New Jersey and Manhattan
by Jersey Kid January 29, 2008
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when bitches and haters have nothing better to do than have an argument, cause trouble, or just act retarded, on myspace, AIM, and even Urbandictionary.com
When Sarah saw the comment that Jen had left her she knew it was time to retaliate, online drama was about to go down.
by Jersey Kid November 6, 2007
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Basically think of L.A like NYC but with better weather,a beach, and less people.
Los Angeles home to Hollywood, gangs, beaches, and celebrities.
by Jersey Kid May 25, 2008
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