1 definition by JenneteO'Deal

Nadjid, most likely of the Africa American or French Race. A strong spirited person who sometimes stands alone to do what they need to do. and can fight even past his limit to 200%. Nadjids' are strong willed Loves people for their hearts and not body, but normally classified as good kissers. Nadjid's normally have an all around personality, you can talk to them about anything and everything. Nadjids' are known to be trustworthy, good at keeping secrets and they are normally poetic in some type of way. Nadjids' aren't normally as attractive as other guys, but his heart is always about Love and comfort. Nadjids' are also known to be funny, they can keep you laughing for hours and they will never get dry. Nadjids' are known to be passionate in bed, they love romantic settings no matter how they act when their around you. They're not normally into rough sex, but would adjust to it, if the person met the description. Because of this, Nadjids are normally known to have huge penises, or around perfect size, (Thick and Lengthy).
Nadjid love compassion sweet funny lover hilarious personality race good kissers good kissers poetic hearts passionate sex adjustment rough sex passionate sex laughing Thick Lengthy
by JenneteO'Deal October 18, 2013
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