1 definition by Jeimy gomez

Jeimy is a caring and loving person when she wants to be. She looks Chinese but isn’t and she has chickens for eyebrows. She has a very shiney forehead and you can see your reflection off of it! She can’t be your best friend or your enime. She will hit the weak friends but won’t mess with the tuff ones. She has good money from her mom and always gets packages from amazon prime. She is mean to her mom but nice at the special moments. She is Mexican and can speak great Spanish. She doesn’t really start drama and is pretty chill and can be clingy. She can get annoying but not a lot. She droughts her good looks but is one of the pritteist girls in the class, and everyone thinks so. She is a good friend and if you don’t have a Jeimy then your life isn’t complete❤️‼️
Girl 1: do you have a mirror I need to check my lips

Girl two: go check Jeimys forehead
Girl one: ok (walk to her forehead and has the PERFECT LIPS) because of jeimys forhead 👄
by Jeimy gomez August 31, 2019
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