2 definitions by JeffChaucer

When somebody gets into Stanford (or other similar institution) and constantly brings up that fact despite still being a prefrosh. Affects only a few admits, but those who have it quickly reach extreme stages.
Sam: "Yo it's so damn cold out here it feels like my balls are gonna fall off or something"
Ben: "... I'm just imagining how warm it's gonna be at Stanford next year"
Sam: "Fuck you Ben, somebody needs a cure for your Stanford Syndrome"
by JeffChaucer April 3, 2017
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Wm. Mason High School is the birthplace of Duganism, a postmodern neo-antifoundationalist eschatalogic religion that serves to promote the ideals of "not for the left, not for the right, but rather above."
Tony: What did you say your religion was again?
Ben: I'm a Duganist
Sam: Oh, I see, he must be from Mason High School!
by JeffChaucer September 4, 2016
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