9 definitions by Jebblebbles

A rotisserie which is installed in a jacuzzi. This device allows you to roast meat while relaxing in the hot tub. You can even eat meat right off the bone from the comfort of the warm bubbling waters. Also see: jacuzzarisserie.
Oh Brenda, ever since Kip had a rotuzzi installed, we've been spending so much time in the hot tub. Kip's meat is so moist and juicy!
by Jebblebbles March 3, 2008
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A coffee drink that is basically a very strong mocha. It is 2 shots of espresso, a squirt of sweet chocolate syrup and just a splash of milk or soy milk. Named after Josh Brown of Seattle, WA and invented by him in collaboration with the Victrola cafe'.
I walked into my usual cafe and when I reached the counter the barista said "Here's your joshiatto, ready to go!"
by Jebblebbles May 17, 2007
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