1 definition by JazZzzAaaaaa -sydney

The sixth album by rapper Eminem. Eminem's style in relapse is completely different style of rap to Encore which was completed in 2004 and it has taken him a good 4 or 5 years to complete this album. Personally I think the content of Relapse is similar to 'The Eminem Show' however it is completely ifferent from The Slim Shady EP, The Slim Shady LP, The Marhsall Mathers LP, The Eminem Show and Encore. Great album!
Person 1: Dude I just baught em's new album 'Relapse' a couple of days ago, it's sick!
Person 2: Yeh Dre's beats are fucken hectic on this album
by JazZzzAaaaaa -sydney May 23, 2009
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