1 definition by Jay R., B-Rad, and J Dub.

A delicious spirit, bottled and distilled in the finest of all states, New Jersey. Scobeyville, NJ, a town in which the people of New Jersey rarely know to even exist...but is actually the home to this very inexpensive and cheap bottle of vodka. Comparable to Popov but even cheaper...because we all know how the people of Jersey love their cheap liquor. Lets have a toast to the most, and drink away our worries in the Garden State.....because......."You'll Always Come Back." (the logo on written on each and every bottle)
Boomerang Vodka, Popov Vodka, Cheap Vodka, Crunk Juice.......pretty much any cheap but strong alcohol.
by Jay R., B-Rad, and J Dub. July 13, 2006
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