1 definition by Java201

(See Budding Alcoholic.)
Moron, knucklehead, asshole, thug, drunk, drug addict, jerk and all-around loser. And, not to insult gays, probable closeted homosexual.
Usually small-town boys that can't deal with a big city/big school and insulate themselves so their boorish behavior can be reinforced as they self-congratulate one another. Budding alcoholics and drug addicts that care more about maintaining a steady source of their high than the fact that everyone laughs at them behind their backs. Along these same lines, boys who brag about throwing up, blacking out and passing out -- as if they were skill sets. Are usually unable to recall the last time they were laid when (a) they were not falling down drunk and (b) the woman stupid enough (or passed out enough) to engage in sex with this moron wasn't drunk.
He can't even remember if he attended any classes this week.
No -- Frat Boy
by Java201 November 27, 2009
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