3 definitions by Jake5150

Dangerous Pirates is a clothing company set to all those who run the show by following their dreams. Dangerous Pirates is a tight crew that runs their our own shows to make our dreams happen. Dangerous Pirates or "DP" is more then just a clothing company, its a Lifestyle. Dangerous Pirates is an open minded company that innovates ideas, creates trends, designs, develops and markets good for the pirate community.

The Underground designers from the depths create Dangerous Pirates with specialized designs. Their distinguished from the competition with their sophisticated lifestyle, individuality, and creativity.

Dangerous Pirates supports youth athletes in the action sports market, underground designers, tattoo artists, musicians, true pirates and pirate hookers.

Dangerous Pirates run the show from the Depths
by Jake5150 April 2, 2007
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The unit of measurement for one's odor; generally referring to one's fart.
Courtney: the dog's got some major stinkage going on!

Tim: yeah, she farted big time!
by Jake5150 February 10, 2014
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