2 definitions by Jaimote

Mexican term for opium poppy worker. The person who slashes the poppy so that the "goma" will exude. During the 1950's, the term was used to describe people who worked in the opium business in the golden triangle of Mexico (where Sinaloa, Durango and Chihuahua meet in the Sierra Madre Oriental). Un gomero is a male, una gomera is a female.
In the 1950's, a nickname for people from Culiacán Sinaloa was "gomero". Los gomeros from Sinaloa were also called "gangsters with huaraches".
by Jaimote June 3, 2009
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Spanish (Mexico) street slang for drug-addict. Plural is fokemones or foquemones.
An example of using " fokemon (foquemon)" from Rio Doce

"En el callejón Manuel Angulo de la colonia 5 de Mayo hay una casa abandonada que desde hace muchos años es cueva de adictos al cristal. Al menos dos veces por semana, los vecinos hablan a la Policía Municipal para reportar lo que llaman “la cueva de los foquemones”, pero la corporación los ignora."

Translation "In the alley Manuel Angulo in the Cinco de Mayo neighbourhood there's an abandoned house that's been a drug 'cave' (dope-up spot) for crystal meth addicts. At least two times a week the neighbours say they've called the police to report what they call the "cave of the addicts", but they've been ignored.
by Jaimote July 10, 2009
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