4 definitions by Jadedcreative

A term adopted by politicians designed to gaslight Americans in to believing crimes are not real.
These criminals have been calling every crime a witch hunt but we know they’re guilty.
by Jadedcreative January 3, 2022
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When you feel the music groove and your shoulder starts to move.
She only had one drink and look at that shoulder dance.
by Jadedcreative June 6, 2018
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A Shoulderdance is when one begins to physically respond to a musical beat with a dancing or rolling shoulder. A Shoulderdance is often seductive and facilitated by inebriation.
She's feelin' fine, she's already doing a little shoulerdance.

It only takes one drink and there goes her shoulderdance.
by Jadedcreative May 29, 2018
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A collective team of propagandists on social media. They provide political content, vastly reverse engineered from main steam news. Spoken in their own nomenclature, based upon frequent use of acronyms and other irrelevant words.
"Those two tabloid stories are conflated, very Clouise."
by Jadedcreative October 8, 2017
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