1 definition by JacksonC1904

Akio is one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet, he is loving, caring, kind, adorable, funny, and great to talk to about your problems! They'll always listen to you when you're down in the dumps, and always try to comfort you. You'll almost always get a "good morning" or "good night" from them, they also love hugs. They love drawing, forehead kisses, and any kind of comfort. He is short (5'1) but likes to be hugged by tall people so it works out in his favor, he loves to cuddle aswell! What is there not to love about him? Tell me, I'll wait. You got nothing? That's what I thought. He can be awkward at times but it usually doesn't last long, they also have great vocals. Akio is apsolutly adorable and deserves everything, even if they don't think so. You won't be able to get them out of your head. He is my best friend, and I'd give the world for them.
Rando: Hey, who is that cute, nice guy?

Me: That's Akio :)
by JacksonC1904 May 11, 2022
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