1 definition by JULT

A beautiful group of Stays (or other fans) who are really really really nice. They have our lord and savior Han Jisung as their profile pictures (mainly on tiktok). If you join the cult they give you cookies, cheesecakes and 50% off of your car insurance. Remember: Han Jisung talented beautiful best boy

J O I N. T H E. J U L T.
And stan stray kids for a better life🍪
Person 1: Hey have you hard about the jult on tiktok?
Person 2: Yes they are everywhere (like Bang Chan) and they're taking over the world.
Person 3: They are kinda scary..
Person 2: Nah they nice and have a whole ass bakery.
Everyone: Oh 👀 see lemme join.
by JULT May 10, 2020
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