13 definitions by JR Harris

Term for a person who was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and became unhappy with the program.
Jack realized the Alcoholics anonymous was not for him and he quickly became an XStepper.
by JR Harris March 14, 2011
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noun. (diab-blow)

1. Slang term for the devil.
2. Stalker.
3. Sociopath that follows you on the Internet.
4. Often associated with the picture of a wolf.
5. Does not know the meaning of DILLIGAS.
Be careful when you are on the internet, diablo may try and work his way into your life.

Diablo was stalking me for a while, what can I say? DILLIGAS
by JR Harris April 14, 2011
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The common example used in Alcoholic Anonymous meetings to describe what you can pick to be your Higher Power.
Alcoholics Anonymous is spiritual, not religious. You can pick anything you want to be your higher power, even a door knob.
by JR Harris March 14, 2011
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1. An object that controls the destiny of those who have choosen it.
2. A spiritual fixation with an inanimate object.
3. Something that an AA member chooses to pray to while doing the 12 Steps.
When going to AA Jane choose a door knob to be her Higher Power, because she was told she could pick anything.

Charlie Sheen knew that something was wrong with AA when they suggested that he use a door knob as a Higher Power to pray to.

Bill was glad that he choose a door knob in AA to be a Higher Power for his spiritual experience, he was reminded of it every time he opened the door to the bathroom.
by JR Harris April 4, 2011
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(slow·gan) noun
1. Phrase memorized by cult followers to insure the continuation of the cult.
2. Advertising gimmick used by corporations to get free advertising.
3. Phrases memorized by people who can not think for themselves.
1. AA uses the slogan "Keep coming back" because they want you in the cult forever.
by JR Harris March 31, 2011
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(new·cum·er) noun
1. A new person to an AA meeting.
2. Vulnerable person who is new to a group.
3. Someone preyed upon by old timers.
4. Easy target for thieves, rapists and murderers.
1. Jane was a newcomer at the nightly AA meeting, and was quickly hit on by Bill W.
2. Being a newcomer to Alcoholics Anonymous, Jane choose a door knob as a higher power and Bill W. as her sponsor.
by JR Harris March 31, 2011
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1. A person who has a sponsor in AA.

2. A person who follows the advice of a sponsor to the letter.

3. Someone who gives free services to AA and thier sponsor for nothing in return, except spirituality.

4. Someone who is often abused and neglected by thier sponsor.
1. Mary was Bill's sponcee in AA. Bill often has Mary clean his toilet and have sex with him in return for everlasting serenity.

2. Bill was mad at his sponcee Mary. She would not have sex with him, so he kicked her out of the house and turned her into the police for drinking while on probation.
by JR Harris March 30, 2011
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