27 definitions by JOY

one word... hot... -drools-
two words... hes mine. ^^ <3
Benji Madden is MINE. xP
by JOY March 2, 2005
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Having or showing fond feelings or affection; loving and tender. Excessively sentimental.
Given to or displaying mawkish affection or amorousness.

All over, attached, caring, crazy about, crazy for, crazy over, dear, devoted, doting, fond, friendly, huggy, kind, lovey-dovey, loving, mushy, nutty about, partial, soft on, tender, warm, warm-hearted
Don't get all schmoopy on me, I just want casual sex. If you get all schmoopy I'm out.
by JOY March 31, 2005
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that dawg is gay-ovi!
by JOY June 11, 2004
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A bad hair day is also a day when everything is going bad. It has nothing to do with how one's hair really is, it's just that everything is going wrong. The term "bad hair day" derives from how psycho one feels because everything is going all wrong on a particular day!!
Grabs handsful of hair and tugs in indesperation, "Arrrrrgh!! I'm having such a bad hair day!!"
by JOY January 25, 2005
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An adjective synonymous with excellent, cool, great.
by JOY October 14, 2003
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A swift, unexpected punch to the back of the head.
I couldn't help but clown punch my brother while he was bent over tying his shoes.
by JOY January 19, 2004
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crowded, busy, too much text in a small space

combined bunch
I was trying to read that sign, but its too combunched.
by JOY June 21, 2004
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