2 definitions by JET Money

To have sex with a person that has had sex with the one and only Knapper

To poop thou pants at a fraternity house

To take advantage of pledges and unsuspecting drunks
I got Knappified last night and I might have an STD now.

I knappified the heck out of his bed.

He was knappified big time at the bar, she blind sided him.
by JET Money July 4, 2008
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1)Rubbing upagainst a member of the opposite sex and cooing.

2) A term hillbillys use for making love.

3) Growing a pair of wings and flying out from a bush
I turtle dove last night right in boyfriend's bed.

Let's go turtle dovin' in the woods and eat some beef jerky.

A turtle dove yesterday from my home and ended up ontop of a roof.
by JET Money November 30, 2007
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